[boast] n [ME boost] (14c) 1: the act or an instance of boasting: brag
2: a cause for pride -- boast.ful adj -- boast.ful.ly adv -- boast.ful.ness n
[2]boast vi (14c) 1: to puff oneself up in speech: speak vaingloriously
2. archaic: glory, exult ~ vt 1: to speak of or assert with excessive pride
2. a: to possess and often call attention to (something that is a source of pride) "~s a new stadium" b: have, contain "a room ~ing no more than a desk and a chair" -- boast.er n syn boast, brag, vaunt, crow mean to express pride in oneself or one's accomplishments. boast often suggests ostentation and exaggeration "boasts of every trivial success", but it may imply a claiming with proper and justifiable pride "the town boasts one of the best museums in the area". brag suggests crudity and artlessness in glorifying oneself "bragging of their exploits". vaunt usu. connotes more pomp and bombast than boast and less crudity or naivete than brag "vaunted his country's military might". crow usu. implies exultant boasting or bragging "crowed after winning the championship". [3]boast vt [origin unknown] (1823): to shape (stone) roughly in sculpture and stonecutting as a preliminary to finer work