[brave] adj brav.er ; brav.est [MF, fr. OIt & OSp bravo courageous, wild, prob. fr. L barbarus barbarous] (15c) 1: having courage: dauntless
2: making a fine show: colorful "~ banners flying in the wind"
3: excellent, splendid "the ~ fire I soon had going --J. F. Dobie" -- brave.ly adv
[2]brave vb braved ; brav.ing vt (1546) 1: to face or endure with courage
2. obs: to make showy ~ vi, archaic: to make a brave show -- brav.er n [3]brave n (1590) 1 archaic: bravado
2: one who is brave; specif: an American Indian warrior 3 archaic: bully, assassin