[buf.fet] n [ME, fr. OF, dim. of buffe blow] (13c) 1: a blow esp. with the hand
2: something that strikes with telling force
[2]buffet vt (13c) 1: to strike sharply esp. with the hand: cuff
2: to strike repeatedly: batter "the waves ~ed the shore"
3: to drive, force, move, or attack by or as if by repeated blows ~ vi: to make one's way esp. under difficult conditions [3]buf.fet n [F] (1718) 1: sideboard
2. a: a counter for refreshments b chiefly Brit: a restaurant operated as a public convenience (as in a railway station) c: a meal set out on a buffet or table for ready access and informal service [4]buf.fet adj (1898): served informally (as from a buffet)