[bush.el] n [ME busshel, fr. OF boissel, fr. (assumed) OF boisse one sixth of a bushel, of Celt origin; akin to MIr boss breadth of the hand] (14c) 1: any of various units of dry capacity as a: a unit of dry capacity used in the United States equal to 2150.42 cubic inches b: a British imperial unit of dry and liquid capacity equal to 2219.36 cubic inches or
8. imperial gallons
2: a container holding a bushel
3: a large quantity: lots "makes ~s of money"
[2]bushel vb bush.eled ; bush.el.ing [prob. fr. G bosseln to do poor work, to patch; akin to OE beatan to beat] (ca. 1877): repair, renovate -- bush.el.er n