[but] conj [ME, fr. OE butan, prep. & conj., outside, without, except, except that; akin to OHG buzan without, except; akin to OE be by, ut out--more at by, out] (bef. 12c) 1 a: except for the fact "would have protested ~ that he was afraid" b: that--used after a negative "there is no doubt ~ he won" c: without the concomitant that "it never rains ~ it pours" d: if not: unless e: than "no sooner started ~ it stopped"--not often in formal use
2. a: on the contrary: on the other hand: notwithstanding--used to connect coordinate elements "he was called ~ he did not answer" "not peace ~ a sword" b: yet "poor ~ proud" c: with the exception of--used before a word often taken to be the subject of a clause "none ~ the brave deserves the fair --John Dryden" -- but what : that ... not--used to indicate possibility or uncertainty "I don't know but what I will go"
[2]but prep (bef. 12c) 1 a: with the exception of: barring "no one there ~ me"--compare [1]but 2c b: other than "this letter is nothing ~ an insult"
2. Scot a: without, lacking b: outside [3]but adv (12c) 1: only, merely "he is ~ a child"
2. Scot: outside
3: to the contrary "who knows ~ that she may succeed" 4--used as an intensive "get there ~ fast" [4]but pron (1556): that not: who not "nobody ~ has his fault --Shak." [5]but n [Sc but, adj. (outer)] (1724) Scot: the kitchen or living quarters of a 2-room cottage