Meaning of CHAIN in English

[chain] n, often attrib [ME cheyne, fr. MF chaeine, fr. L catena] (14c) 1 a: a series of usu. metal links or rings connected to or fitted into one another and used for various purposes (as support, restraint, transmission of mechanical power, or measurement) b: a series of links used or worn as an ornament or insignia c (1): a measuring instrument of 100 links used in surveying (2): a unit of length equal to 66 feet (20 meters)

2: something that confines, restrains, or secures 3 a: a series of things linked, connected, or associated together "a ~ of events" b: a group of enterprises or institutions of the same kind or function usu. under a single ownership, management, or control "fast-food ~s" c: a number of atoms or chemical groups united like links in a chain

[2]chain vt (14c) 1: to obstruct or protect by a chain

2: to fasten, bind, or connect with or as if with a chain; also: fetter

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