[clinch] vb [prob. alter. of clench] vt (1542) 1: clench 3
2. a: to turn over or flatten the protruding pointed end of (a driven nail); also: to treat (as a screw, bolt, or rivet) in a similar way b: to fasten in this way 3 a: to make final or irrefutable: settle "that ~ed the argument" b: to secure conclusively: win ~ vi 1: to hold an opponent (as in boxing) at close quarters with one or both arms
2: to hold fast or firmly -- clinch.ing.ly adv
[2]clinch n (1659) 1: a fastening by means of a clinched nail, rivet, or bolt; also: the clinched part of a nail, rivet, or bolt
2. archaic: pun
3: an act or instance of clinching in boxing
4: embrace