[clos.et] n [ME, fr. MF, dim. of clos enclosure--more at close] (14c) 1 a: an apartment or small room for privacy b: a monarch's or official's private chamber
2: a cabinet or recess for esp. china, household utensils, or clothing
3: a place of retreat or privacy
4: water closet
5: a state or condition of secrecy, privacy, or obscurity "came out of the ~" -- clos.et.ful n
[2]closet vt (1595) 1: to shut up in or as if in a closet
2: to take into a closet for a secret interview [3]closet adj (ca. 1615) 1: closely private
2: working in or suited to the closet as the place of seclusion or study: theoretical
3: being so in private "a ~ racist"