Meaning of CONSIST in English

[con.sist] vi [MF & L; MF consister, fr. L consistere, lit., to stop, stand still, fr. com- + sistere to take a stand; akin to L stare to stand--more at stand] (1526) 1: lie, reside--usu. used with in "liberty ~s in the absence of obstructions --A. E. Housman"

2. archaic a: exist, be b: to be capable of existing

3: to be composed or made up--usu. used with of "breakfast ~ed of cereal, milk, and fruit"

4: to be consistent "it ~s with the facts"

[2]con.sist n (1898): makeup or composition (as of coal sizes or a railroad train) by classes, types, or grades and arrangement

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