Meaning of CONSORT in English

[con.sort] n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L consort-, consors partner, sharer, fr. com- + sort-, sors lot, share--more at series] (15c) 1: associate

2: a ship accompanying another

3: spouse--compare prince consort

[2]consort n [MF consorte, fr. consort] (1584) 1: group, assembly "a ~ of specialists"

2: conjunction, association "he ruled in ~ with his father" 3 a: a group of singers or instrumentalists performing together b: a set of musical instruments of the same family [3]con.sort vt (1588) 1: unite, associate

2. obs: escort ~ vi 1: to keep company "~ing with criminals"

2. obs: to make harmony: play

3: accord, harmonize "the illustrations ~ admirably with the text --Times Lit. Supp."

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