[con.tin.ue] vb -tin.ued ; -tinu.ing [ME, fr. MF continuer, fr. L continuare, fr. continuus] vi (14c) 1: to maintain without interruption a condition, course, or action
2: to remain in existence: endure
3: to remain in a place or condition: stay
4: to resume an activity after interruption ~ vt 1 a: keep up, maintain "~s walking" b: to keep going or add to: prolong; also: to resume after intermission
2: to cause to continue
3: to allow to remain in a place or condition: retain
4: to postpone (a legal proceeding) by a continuance -- con.tinu.er n syn continue, last, endure, abide, persist mean to exist over a period of time or indefinitely. continue applies to a process going on without ending "the search for peace will continue". last, esp. when unqualified, may stress existing beyond what is normal or expected "buy shoes that will last". endure adds an implication of resisting destructive forces or agencies "in spite of everything, her faith endured". abide implies stable and constant existing esp. as opposed to mutability "a love that abides through 40 years of marriage". persist suggests outlasting the normal or appointed time and often connotes obstinacy or doggedness "the sense of guilt persisted".