Meaning of COUNCIL in English

[coun.cil] n [ME counceil, fr. OF concile, fr. L concilium, fr. com- + calare to call--more at low] (12c) 1: an assembly or meeting for consultation, advice, or discussion

2: a group elected or appointed as an advisory or legislative body 3 a: a usu. administrative body b: an executive body whose members are equal in power and authority c: a governing body of delegates from local units of a federation

4: deliberation in a council

5. a: a federation of or a central body uniting a group of organizations b: a local chapter of an organization c: club, society

[2]council adj (14c) 1: used for councils esp. by or with No. American Indians "a ~ ground"

2. Brit: built, maintained, or operated by a local governing agency "~ housing" "~ flats"

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