Meaning of CRANK in English

[crank] n [ME cranke, fr. OE cranc- (as in crancstaef, a weaving instrument); prob. akin to MHG krank weak, sick--more at cringe] (13c) 1: a bent part of an axle or shaft or an arm keyed at right angles to the end of a shaft by which circular motion is imparted to or received from the shaft or by which reciprocating motion is changed into circular motion or vice versa

2. a archaic: bend b: a twist or turn of speech: conceit--used esp. in the phrase quips and cranks c (1): caprice, crotchet (2): an annoyingly eccentric person; also: one that is overly enthusiastic about a particular subject or activity d: a bad-tempered person: grouch

3: crystal

7. -- crank.ish adj

[2]crank vi (1592) 1: to move with a winding course: zigzag

2. a: to turn a crank b: to get started by or as if by the turning of a crank c: to gain speed, momentum, or intensity--usu. used with up "the campaign is ~ing up" ~ vt 1: to move or operate by or as if by a crank "~ the window down"

2. a: to cause to start (as an automobile) b: to rotate the shaft (as a crankshaft) of esp. with a starter "~ over an engine" c: to use in trying to start an engine "~ the starter" 3 a: to start as if by use of a crank--usu. used with up "~ up an atom smasher" b: turn up 2--usu. used with up "~ up the volume" [3]crank adj (1924): of, relating to, or being a cranky or eccentric person; also: made or sent by such a person "~ calls" "a ~ letter" [4]crank adj [ME cranke, of unknown origin] (15c) 1 chiefly dial: merry, high-spirited

2. chiefly dial: cocky, confident [5]crank adj [short for crank-sided (easily tipped)] (ca. 1649) of a boat: easily tipped by an external force

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