1. n. & v.
1. part of an axle or shaft bent at right angles for interconverting reciprocal and circular motion.
2 an elbow-shaped connection in bell-hanging.
1. cause to move by means of a crank.
2 a bend into a crank-shape. b furnish or fasten with a crank.
Phrases and idioms:
crank up
1. start (a car engine) by turning a crank.
2 sl. increase (speed etc.) by intensive effort.
Etymology: OE cranc, app. f. crincan, rel. to cringan fall in battle, orig. 'curl up' 2. n.1 a an eccentric person, esp. one obsessed by a particular theory (health-food crank). b US a bad-tempered person.
2 literary a fanciful turn of speech (quips and cranks).
Etymology: back-form. f. CRANKY 3. adj. Naut. liable to capsize.
Etymology: perh. f. crank weak, shaky, or CRANK(1)