Meaning of CREW in English

[crew] chiefly Brit past of crow

[2]crew n [ME crue, lit., reinforcement, fr. MF creue increase, fr. creistre to grow--more at crescent] (15c) 1 archaic: a band or force of armed men

2: a group of people associated together in a common activity or by common traits or interests 3 a: a company of people working on one job or under one foreman or operating a machine b: the whole company belonging to a ship sometimes including the officers and master; also: one who assists the skipper of a sailboat c: the persons who have duties on an aircraft in flight d: the rowers and coxswain of a racing shell; also: rowing -- crew.less adj [3]crew vi (1935): to act as a member of a crew ~ vt: to serve as a crew member on (as a ship or aircraft)

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