Meaning of DART in English

[dart] n [ME, fr. MF, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG tart dart, OE daroth] (14c) 1 a archaic: a light spear b (1): a small missile usu. with a pointed shaft at one end and feathers at the other (2) pl but sing in constr: a game in which darts are thrown at a target

2. a: something projected with sudden speed; esp: a sharp glance b: something causing sudden pain or distress "~s of sarcasm"

3: something with a slender pointed shaft or outline; specif: a stitched tapering fold in a garment

4: a quick movement "made a ~ for the door"

[2]dart vt (1580) 1: to throw with a sudden movement

2: to thrust or move with sudden speed

3: to shoot with a dart containing a usu. tranquilizing drug ~ vi: to move suddenly or rapidly "~ed across the street"

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