Meaning of DEVOLVE in English

[de.volve] vb de.volved ; [ME, fr. L devolvere, fr. de- + volvere to roll--more at voluble] vt (15c): to pass on (as responsibility, rights, or powers) from one person or entity to another "devolving to western Europe full responsibility for its own defense --Christopher Lane" ~ vi 1 a: to pass by transmission or succession "the estate devolved on a distant cousin" b: to fall or be passed usu. as a responsibility or obligation "the responsibility for breadwinning has devolved increasingly upon women --Barbara Ehrenreich"

2: to come by or as if by flowing down "his allegedly subversive campaigns ... ~ from his belief in basic American rights --Frank Deford"

3: to degenerate through a gradual change or evolution "where order ~s into chaos --Johns Hopkins Mag."

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