[dif.fuse] adj [ME, fr. L diffusus, pp. of diffundere to spread out, fr. dis- + fundere to pour--more at found] (15c) 1: being at once verbose and ill-organized
2: not concentrated or localized "~ sclerosis" syn see wordy -- dif.fuse.ly adv -- dif.fuse.ness n
[2]dif.fuse vb dif.fused ; dif.fus.ing [ME diffused, pp., fr. L diffusus, pp.] vt (14c) 1 a: to pour out and permit or cause to spread freely b: extend, scatter c: to spread thinly or wastefully
2: to subject to diffusion; esp: to break up and distribute (incident light) by reflection ~ vi 1: to spread out or become transmitted esp. by contact
2: to undergo diffusion -- dif.fus.ible adj