— diffusely /di fyoohs"lee/ , adv. — diffuseness , n.
v. /di fyoohz"/ ; adj. /di fyoohs"/ , v. , diffused, diffusing , adj.
1. to pour out and spread, as a fluid.
2. to spread or scatter widely or thinly; disseminate.
3. Physics. to spread by diffusion.
4. to spread.
5. Physics. to intermingle by diffusion.
6. characterized by great length or discursiveness in speech or writing; wordy.
7. widely spread or scattered; dispersed.
8. Bot. widely or loosely spreading.
9. Optics. (of reflected light) scattered, as from a rough surface (opposed to specular ).
[ 1350-1400; ME ( diffusus spread, poured forth. See DIF-, FUSE 2 ]