Meaning of DISCOVER in English

[] vb dis.cov.ered ; [ME, fr. MF descovrir, fr. LL discooperire, fr. L dis- + cooperire to cover--more at cover] vt (14c) 1 a: to make known or visible: expose b archaic: display

2. a: to obtain sight or knowledge of for the first time: find "~ the solution" b: find out "~ed he was out of gas" ~ vi: to make a discovery -- adj -- n syn discover, ascertain, determine, unearth, learn mean to find out what one did not previously know. discover may apply to something requiring exploration or investigation or to a chance encounter "discovered the source of the river". ascertain implies effort to find the facts or the truth proceeding from awareness of ignorance or uncertainty "attempts to ascertain the population of the region". determine emphasizes the intent to establish the facts definitely or precisely "unable to determine the origin of the word". unearth implies bringing to light something forgotten or hidden "unearth old records". learn may imply acquiring knowledge with little effort or conscious intention (as by simply being told) or it may imply study and practice "I learned her name only today" "learning Greek".

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