Synonyms and related words :
advertise, ascertain, bare, be informed, become acquainted with, beget, behold, betray, break the seal, breed, bring forth, bring into being, bring to light, broaden the mind, call into being, catch on, catch sight of, clap eyes on, coin, conceive, concoct, contrive, cook up, cram the mind, debunk, descry, design, detect, determine, develop, devise, dig up, discern, disclose, dismask, distinguish, divulge, draw the veil, dream up, encounter, engender, espy, evolve, expose, fabricate, ferret out, find, find out, find out about, frame, gain knowledge, generate, get, get hold of, get wise to, give away, give being to, give rise to, glimpse, hatch, have in sight, hear, hit, hunt down, identify, impart, improvise, innovate, introduce, introduce new blood, invent, ken, lay bare, lay eyes on, lay open, learn, learn about, let daylight in, let out, load the mind, locate, look on, look upon, make do with, make innovations, make out, make up, manifest, mature, meet with, mint, mouth, neologize, note, notice, observe, open, open up, originate, perceive, pick out, pick up information, pioneer, plan, proclaim, procreate, publish, raise the curtain, recognize, rediscover, reveal, revolutionize, root out, run down, run to earth, search out, see, show, show up, sight, smoke out, spawn, spill, spot, spy, strike, strike out, strip bare, take in, tell, think out, think up, trace, trace down, track down, tumble, turn up, twig, uncloak, uncover, undrape, undress, unearth, unfold, unfurl, unkennel, unmask, unpack, unroll, unscreen, unsheathe, unshroud, unveil, unwrap, view, witness