Meaning of DODGE in English

[dodge] n [origin unknown] (1575) 1 a: an artful device to evade, deceive, or trick b: expedient

2: an act of evading by sudden bodily movement

[2]dodge vb dodged ; vt (1680) 1: to evade (as a duty) usu. indirectly or by trickery "dodged the draft by leaving the country" "dodged questions"

2. a: to evade by a sudden or repeated shift of position b: to avoid an encounter with ~ vi 1 a: to make a sudden movement in a new direction (as to evade a blow) "dodged behind the door" b: to move to and fro or from place to place usu. in an irregular course "dodged through the crowd"

2: to evade a responsibility or duty esp. by trickery or deceit

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