[en.gage] vb en.gaged ; en.gag.ing [ME, fr. MF engagier, fr. OF, fr. en- + gage token, gage] vt (15c) 1: to offer (as one's word) as security for a debt or cause
2. a obs: to entangle or entrap in or as if in a snare or bog b: to attract and hold by influence or power c: to interlock with: mesh; also: to cause (mechanical parts) to mesh
3: to bind (as oneself) to do something; esp: to bind by a pledge to marry
4. a: to provide occupation for: involve "~ him in a new project" b: to arrange to obtain the use or services of: hire
5. a: to hold the attention of: engross "her work ~s her completely" b: to induce to participate "engaged the shy boy in conversation"
6. a: to enter into contest with b: to bring together or interlock (weapons) 7: to deal with esp. at length ~ vi 1 a: to pledge oneself: promise b: guarantee "he ~s for the honesty of his brother"
2. a: to begin and carry on an enterprise or activity "engaged in trade for a number of years" b: to take part: participate "at college she engaged in gymnastics"
3: to enter into conflict
4: to come together and interlock (as of machinery parts): be or become in gear en.ga.ge adj [F, pp. of engager to engage, fr. MF engagier] (1946): committed to or supportive of a cause