[En.glish] adj [ME, fr. OE englisc, fr. Engle (pl.) Angles] (bef. 12c): of, relating to, or characteristic of England, the English people, or the English language -- En.glish.ness n
[2]English n (bef. 12c) 1 a: the language of the people of England and the U.S. and many areas now or formerly under British control b: a particular variety of English distinguished by peculiarities (as of pronunciation) c: English language, literature, or composition when a subject of study
2. pl in constr: the people of England 3 a: an English translation b: idiomatic or intelligible English
4: spin around the vertical axis deliberately imparted to a ball that is driven or rolled--compare draw, follow; body english [3]English vt (14c) 1: to translate into English
2: to adopt into English: anglicize