[ex.qui.site] adj [ME exquisit, fr. L exquisitus, pp. of exquirere to search out, fr. ex- + quaerere to seek] (15c) 1: carefully selected: choice
2. archaic: accurate 3 a: marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution b: marked by nice discrimination, deep sensitivity, or subtle understanding "~ taste" c: accomplished, perfected "an ~ gentleman"
4. a: pleasing through beauty, fitness, or perfection "an ~ white blossom" b: acute, intense "~ pain" c: having uncommon or esoteric appeal syn see choice -- ex.qui.site.ly adv -- ex.qui.site.ness n
[2]exquisite n (1819): one who is overly fastidious in dress or ornament