Meaning of FAKE in English

[fake] vt faked ; fak.ing [ME] (15c): to coil in fakes

[2]fake n (1627): one loop of a coil (as of ship's rope or a fire hose) coiled free for running [3]fake adj [origin unknown] (1775): counterfeit, sham [4]fake n (1827): one that is not what it purports to be: as a: a worthless imitation passed off as genuine b: impostor, charlatan c: a simulated movement in a sports contest (as a pretended kick, pass, or jump or a quick movement in one direction before going in another) designed to deceive an opponent d: a device or apparatus used by a magician to achieve the illusion of magic in a trick syn see imposture [5]fake vb faked ; fak.ing vt (1851) 1: to alter, manipulate, or treat so as to give a spuriously genuine appearance to: doctor "faked the lab results"

2: counterfeit, simulate, concoct

3: to deceive (an opponent) in a sports contest by means of a fake

4: improvise, ad-lib "whistle a few bars ... and I'll ~ the rest --Robert Sylvester" ~ vi 1: to engage in faking something: pretend

2: to give a fake to an opponent -- fak.er n -- fak.ery n

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