[fa.vor] n [ME, friendly regard, attractiveness, fr. OF favor friendly regard, fr. L, fr. favere to be favorable; perh. akin to OHG gouma attention, OCS goveti to revere] (14c) 1 a (1): friendly regard shown toward another esp. by a superior (2): approving consideration or attention: approbation b: partiality c archaic: leniency d archaic: permission e: popularity
2. archaic a: appearance b (1): face (2): a facial feature 3 a: gracious kindness; also: an act of such kindness b archaic: aid, assistance c pl: effort in one's behalf or interest: attention
4. a: a token of love (as a ribbon) usu. worn conspicuously b: a small gift or decorative item given out at a party c: badge
5. a: a special privilege or right granted or conceded b: sexual privileges--usu. used in pl.
6. archaic: letter 7: behalf, interest -- in favor of 1 a: in accord or sympathy with b: for the acquittal of "a verdict in favor of the accused" c: in support of
2: to the order of
3: in order to choose: out of preference for "turned down the scholarship in favor of a pro career" -- in one's favor 1: in one's good graces
2: to one's advantage "the odds were in my favor" -- out of favor : unpopular, disliked "was out of favor with his neighbors"
[2]favor vt fa.vored ; fa.vor.ing (14c) 1 a: to regard or treat with favor b (1): to do a kindness for: oblige (2): endow c: to treat gently or carefully "~ed his injured leg"
2: to show partiality toward: prefer 3 a: to give support or confirmation to: sustain b: to afford advantages for success to: facilitate "good weather ~ed the outing"
4: to bear a resemblance to "he ~s his father" -- fa.vor.er n