[fend.er] n (13c): a device that protects: as a (1): a cushion (as foam rubber or a wood float) between a boat and a dock or between two boats that lessens shock and prevents chafing (2): a pile or a row or cluster of piles placed to protect a dock or bridge pier from damage by ships or floating objects b: railing c: a device in front of locomotives and streetcars to lessen injury to animals or pedestrians in case of collision d: a guard over the wheel of a motor vehicle e: a low metal frame or a screen before an open fireplace f: an oblong or triangular shield of leather attached to the stirrup leather of a saddle to protect a rider's legs -- fend.ered adj -- fend.er.less adj
Meaning of FENDER in English
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012