[flick.er] vb flick.ered ; flick.er.ing [ME flikeren, fr. OE flicorian] vi (bef. 12c) 1: to move irregularly or unsteadily: flutter
2: to burn or shine fitfully or with a fluctuating light
3: to appear briefly ~ vt 1: to cause to flicker
2: to produce by flickering -- flick.er.ing.ly adv
[2]flicker n (1849) 1 a: an act of flickering b: a sudden brief movement c: a momentary quickening "a ~ of anger" d: a slight indication: hint "a ~ of recognition"
2: a wavering light
3: movie--often used in pl. -- flick.ery adj [3]flicker n [prob. imit. of its call] (1809): a large barred and spotted No. American woodpecker (Colaptes auratus) with a brown back that commonly forages on the ground for ants--compare red-shafted flicker, yellow-shafted flicker