[flow] vb [ME, fr. OE flowan; akin to OHG flouwen to rinse, wash, L pluere to rain, Gk plein to sail, float] vi (bef. 12c) 1 a (1): to issue or move in a stream (2): circulate b: to move with a continual change of place among the constituent particles "molasses ~s slowly"
2: rise "the tide ebbs and ~s"
3: abound
4. a: to proceed smoothly and readily "conversation ~ed easily" b: to have a smooth continuity
5: to hang loose and billowing
6: to derive from a source: come "the wealth that ~s from trade" 7: to deform under stress without cracking or rupturing--used esp. of minerals and rocks 8: menstruate ~ vt 1: to cause to flow
2: to discharge in a flow syn see spring -- flow.ing.ly adv
[2]flow n (15c) 1: an act of flowing
2: flood 1a,
2. 3 a: a smooth uninterrupted movement or progress "a ~ of information" b: stream; also: a mass of material which has flowed when molten "an old lava ~" c: the direction of movement or development "go with the ~"
4: the quantity that flows in a certain time
5: menstruation
6. a: the motion characteristic of fluids b: a continuous transfer of energy