[glaze] vb glazed ; glaz.ing [ME glasen, fr. glas glass] vt (14c) 1: to furnish or fit with glass
2. a: to coat with or as if with a glaze "the storm glazed trees with ice" b: to apply a glaze to "~ doughnuts"
3: to give a smooth glossy surface to ~ vi 1: to become glazed or glassy "my eyes glazed over"
2: to form a glaze -- glaz.er n
[2]glaze n (1752) 1: a smooth slippery coating of thin ice
2. a (1): a liquid preparation applied to food on which it forms a firm glossy coating (2): a mixture mostly of oxides (as silica and alumina) applied to the surface of ceramic wares to form a moisture-impervious and often lustrous or ornamental coating b: a transparent or translucent color applied to modify the effect of a painted surface c: a smooth glossy or lustrous surface or finish
3: a glassy film [3]glaze vi glazed ; glaz.ing [prob. blend of glare and gaze] (1601) archaic: stare