[gorge] n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL gurga, alter. of gurges, fr. L, whirlpool--more at voracious] (14c) 1: throat--often used with rise to indicate revulsion accompanied by a sensation of constriction "my ~ rises at the sight of blood"
2. a: a hawk's crop b: stomach, belly
3: the entrance into an outwork (as a bastion) of a fort
4: a narrow passage through land; esp: a narrow steep-walled canyon or part of a canyon
5: a primitive device used instead of a fishhook that consists of an object (as a piece of bone attached in the middle of a line) easy to swallow but difficult to eject
6: a mass choking a passage "a river dammed by an ice ~" 7: the line on the front of a coat or jacket formed by the crease of the lapel and collar
[2]gorge vb gorged ; gorg.ing vi (14c): to eat greedily or to repletion ~ vt 1 a: to stuff to capacity: glut b: to fill completely or to the point of distension "veins gorged with blood"
2: to consume greedily syn see satiate -- gorg.er n [3]gorge n (1854): the act or an instance of gorging