gorge 1
— gorgeable , adj. — gorgedly /gawr"jid lee/ , adv. — gorger , n.
/gawrj/ , n. , v. , gorged, gorging .
1. a narrow cleft with steep, rocky walls, esp. one through which a stream runs.
2. a small canyon.
3. a gluttonous meal.
4. something that is swallowed; contents of the stomach.
5. an obstructing mass: an ice gorge.
6. the seam formed at the point where the lapel meets the collar of a jacket or coat.
7. Fort. the rear entrance or part of a bastion or similar outwork. See diag. under bastion .
8. Also called gorge hook . a primitive type of fishhook consisting of a piece of stone or bone with sharpened ends and a hole or groove in the center for fastening a line.
9. the throat; gullet.
10. make one's gorge rise , to evoke violent anger or strong disgust: The cruelty of war made his gorge rise.
11. to stuff with food (usually used reflexively or passively): He gorged himself. They were gorged.
12. to swallow, esp. greedily.
13. to choke up (usually used passively).
14. to eat greedily.
[ 1325-75; (v.) ME gorger, deriv. of gorge throat gorga, akin to L gurgulio gullet, throat, gurges whirlpool, eddy ]
Syn. 1. defile, ravine, notch, gap. 11. glut, cram, fill. 12. devour. 12, 14 . bolt, gulp, gobble.
gorge 2
/gawrj/ , n. Heraldry.
gurge (def. 2).