[gray] adj [ME, fr. OE graeg; akin to OHG gris, grao gray] (bef. 12c) 1 a: of the color gray b: tending toward gray "blue-gray eyes" c: dull in color
2: having the hair gray: hoary
3: clothed in gray
4. a: lacking cheer or brightness in mood, outlook, style, or flavor; also: dismal, gloomy "a ~ day" b: prosaically ordinary: dull, uninteresting
5: having an intermediate and often vaguely defined position, condition, or character "an ethically ~ area" -- gray.ly adv -- gray.ness n
[2]gray n (13c) 1: something (as an animal, garment, cloth, or spot) of a gray color
2: any of a series of neutral colors ranging between black and white
3: one who wears a gray uniform: as a: a soldier in the Confederate army during the American Civil War b: the Confederate army [3]gray vt (14c): to make gray ~ vi 1: to become gray "~ing hair"
2: age; also: to contain an increasing percentage of older people