Meaning of GRUB in English

[grub] vb grubbed ; [ME grubben; akin to OE grafan to dig--more at grave] vt (14c) 1: to clear by digging up roots and stumps

2: to dig up by or as if by the roots ~ vi 1 a: to dig in the ground esp. for something that is difficult to find or extract b: to search about "grubbed in the countryside for food --Lamp"

2: toil, drudge "folks who ~ for money --James Street" -- grub.ber n

[2]grub n [ME grubbe, fr. grubben] (15c) 1: a soft thick wormlike larva of an insect

2. a: one who does menial work: drudge b: a slovenly person

3: food

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