Meaning of HOLLOW in English

[hollow] n (bef. 12c) 1: an unfilled space: cavity, hole

2: a depressed or low part of a surface; esp: a small valley or basin

[2]hol.low adj hol.low.er ; hol.low.est [ME holw, holh, fr. holh hole, den, fr. OE holh hole, hollow--more at hole] (13c) 1: having an indentation or inward curve: concave, sunken

2: having a cavity within "~ tree"

3: lacking in real value, sincerity, or substance: false, meaningless "~ promises" "a victory over a weakling is ~ and without triumph --Ernest Beaglehole"

4: reverberating like a sound made in or by beating on a large empty enclosure: muffled syn see vain -- hol.low.ly adv -- hol.low.ness n [3]hollow vt (15c) 1: to make hollow

2: to form by a hollowing action--usu. used with out "rain barrels ~ed out from trees --Robert Shaplen" ~ vi: to become hollow [4]hollow adv (1601) 1: so as to have a hollow sound

2: completely, thoroughly "an ongoing story that has the old cowboy-and-Indians genre beat ~ --Barbara Bannon"--often used with all

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