[in-] or il- or im- or ir- prefix [ME, fr. MF, fr. L; akin to OE un-]: not: non-, un---usu. il- before l "illogical", im- before b, m, or p "imbalance" "immoral" "impractical", ir- before r "irreducible", and in- before other sounds "inconclusive"
[2]in- or il- or im- or ir- prefix [ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. in in, into] 1: in: within: into: toward: on--usu. il- before l "illuviation", im- before b, m, or p "immingle", ir- before r "irradiance", and in- before other sounds "infiltrate"
2: [1]en- "imbrute" "imperil" "inspirit"