Meaning of KISS in English

[kiss] vb [ME, fr. OE cyssan; akin to OHG kussen to kiss] vt (bef. 12c) 1: to touch with the lips esp. as a mark of affection or greeting

2: to touch gently or lightly "wind gently ~ing the trees" ~ vi 1: to salute or caress one another with the lips

2: to come in gentle contact -- adj -- kiss ass : to act obsequiously esp. to gain favor--usu. considered vulgar -- kiss good-bye 1: leave

2: to resign oneself to the loss of

[2]kiss n (bef. 12c) 1: a caress with the lips

2: a gentle touch or contact 3 a: a small drop cookie made of meringue b: a bite-size piece of candy often wrapped in paper or foil

4: an expression of affection "sent him ~es in her letter"

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