Meaning of LAPSE in English

[lapse] n [L lapsus, fr. labi to slip--more at sleep] (1526) 1 a: a slight error typically due to forgetfulness or inattention "a ~ in table manners" b: a temporary deviation or fall esp. from a higher to a lower state "a ~ from grace"

2: a becoming less: decline 3 a (1): the termination of a right or privilege through neglect to exercise it within some limit of time (2): termination of coverage for nonpayment of premiums b: interruption, discontinuance "returned to college after a ~ of several years"

4: an abandonment of religious faith: apostasy

5: a passage of time; also: interval syn see error

[2]lapse vb lapsed ; vi (1611) 1 a: to fall from an attained and usu. high level (as of morals or manners) to one much lower; also: to depart from an accepted pattern or standard b: to sink or slip gradually: subside "lapsed into unconsciousness"

2: to go out of existence: cease "after a few polite exchanges, the conversation lapsed"

3: to pass from one proprietor to another or from an original owner by omission or negligence "allowed the insurance policy to ~"

4. a: to glide along: pass "time ~s" ~ vt: to let slip: forfeit "all of those who have lapsed their membership --AAUP Bull." -- n

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