[launch] vb [ME, fr. ONF lancher, fr. LL lanceare to wield a lance--more at lance] vt (14c) 1 a: to throw forward: hurl b: to release, catapult, or send off (a self-propelled object) "~ a rocket"
2. a: to set (a boat or ship) afloat b: to give (a person) a start "~ed in a new career" c (1): to originate or set in motion: initiate, introduce (2): to get off to a good start ~ vi 1 a: to spring forward: take off b: to throw oneself energetically: plunge
2. a archaic: to slide down the ways b: to make a start
[2]launch n (1749): an act or instance of launching [3]launch n [Sp or Pg; Sp lancha, fr. Pg] (1697) 1: a large boat that operates from a ship
2: a small motorboat that is open or that has the forepart of the hull covered