[lin.e.ar] adj (ca. 1656) 1 a (1): of, relating to, resembling, or having a graph that is a line and esp. a straight line: straight (2): involving a single dimension b (1): of the first degree with respect to one or more variables (2): of, relating to, based on, or being linear equations, linear differential equations, linear functions, linear transformations, or linear algebra c (1): characterized by an emphasis on line "~ art" (2): composed of simply drawn lines with little attempt at pictorial representation "~ script" d: consisting of a straight chain of atoms
2: elongated with nearly parallel sides "~ leaf"--see leaf illustration
3: having or being a response or output that is directly proportional to the input
4: of, relating to, or based or depending on sequential development "~ thinking" "a ~ narrative" -- lin.e.ar.i.ty n -- lin.e.ar.ly adv