Meaning of MAIM in English

[maim] vt [ME maynhen, maymen, fr. OF maynier--more at mayhem] (14c) 1: to commit the felony of mayhem upon

2: to mutilate, disfigure, or wound seriously -- n syn maim, cripple, mutilate, batter, mangle mean to injure so severely as to cause lasting damage. maim implies the loss or injury of a bodily member through violence "maimed by a shark". cripple implies the loss or serious impairment of an arm or leg "crippled for life in an accident". mutilate implies the cutting off or removal of an essential part of a person or thing thereby impairing its completeness, beauty, or function "a tree mutilated by inept pruning". batter implies a series of blows that bruise deeply, deform, or mutilate "an old ship battered by fierce storms". mangle implies a tearing or crushing that leaves deep extensive wounds "a soldier's leg mangled by shrapnel".

[2]maim n (14c) 1 obs: serious physical injury; esp: loss of a member of the body

2. obs: a serious loss

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