[main] n [in sense 1, fr. ME, fr. OE maegen; akin to OHG magan strength, OE magan to be able; in other senses, fr.
[2]main or by shortening--more at may] (bef. 12c) 1: physical strength: force--used in the phrase with might and main
2. a: mainland b: high sea
3: the chief part: essential point "they are in the ~ well-trained"
4: a pipe, duct, or circuit which carries the combined flow of tributary branches of a utility system
5. a: mainmast b: mainsail
[2]main adj [ME, fr. OE maegen-, fr. maegen strength] (15c) 1: chief, principal "the ~ idea"
2: fully exerted: sheer "~ force" "by ~ strength" 3 obs: of or relating to a broad expanse (as of sea)
4: connected with or located near the mainmast or mainsail
5: expressing the chief predication in a complex sentence "the ~ clause"