[ma.nip.u.late] vt -lat.ed ; -lat.ing [back-formation fr. manipulation, fr. F, fr. manipuler to handle an apparatus in chemistry, ultim. fr. L manipulus] (1831) 1: to treat or operate with the hands or by mechanical means esp. in a skillful manner
2. a: to manage or utilize skillfully b: to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means esp. to one's own advantage
3: to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose: doctor -- ma.nip.u.lat.able adj -- ma.nip.u.la.tion n -- ma.nip.u.la.tive adj -- ma.nip.u.la.tive.ly adv -- ma.nip.u.la.tive.ness n -- ma.nip.u.la.tor n -- ma.nip.u.la.to.ry adj