[mew] n [ME, fr. OE maew; akin to ON mar gull] (bef. 12c): gull; esp: the common European gull (Larus canus)
[2]mew vb [ME mewen, of imit. origin] vi (14c): to utter a mew or similar sound "gulls ~ed over the bay" ~ vt: to utter by mewing: meow [3]mew n (1596): meow [4]mew n [ME mewe, fr. MF mue, fr. muer to molt, fr. L mutare to change--more at mutable] (14c) 1: an enclosure for trained hawks--usu. used in pl.
2: a place for hiding or retirement 3 pl but sing or pl in constr, chiefly Brit a (1): stables usu. with living quarters built around a court (2): living quarters adapted from such stables b: back street: alley [5]mew vt (15c): to shut up: confine--often used with up