vi to cry as a cat.
2. mew ·noun the common cry of a cat.
3. mew ·vt to shut up; to inclose; to confine, as in a cage or other inclosure.
4. mew ·noun a gull, ·esp. the common british species (larus canus); called also sea mew, maa, mar, mow, and cobb.
5. mew ·vi to cast the feathers; to molt; hence, to change; to put on a new appearance.
6. mew ·vt to shed or cast; to change; to molt; as, the hawk mewed his feathers.
7. mew ·noun a cage for hawks while mewing; a coop for fattening fowls; hence, any inclosure; a place of confinement or shelter;
in the latter sense usually in the plural.
8. mew ·noun a stable or range of stables for horses;
compound used in the plural, and so called from the royal stables in london, built on the site of the king's mews for hawks.