[moth.er] n [ME moder, fr. OE modor; akin to OHG muoter mother, L mater, Gk meter, Skt matr] (bef. 12c) 1 a: a female parent b (1): a woman in authority; specif: the superior of a religious community of women (2): an old or elderly woman
2: source, origin "necessity is the ~ of invention"
3: maternal tenderness or affection
4. [short for motherfucker]: one that is particularly impressive or contemptible--sometimes considered vulgar -- moth.er.hood n -- moth.er.less adj -- moth.er.less.ness n
[2]mother adj (13c) 1 a: of, relating to, or being a mother b: bearing the relation of a mother
2: derived from or as if from one's mother
3: acting as or providing parental stock--used without reference to sex [3]mother vt moth.ered ; moth.er.ing (1548) 1 a: to give birth to b: to give rise to: produce
2: to care for or protect like a mother [4]mother n [archaic mother dregs, lees; akin to MD moeder dregs] (ca. 1828): mother of vinegar