[nar.row] adj [ME narowe, fr. OE nearu; akin to OHG narwa scar] (bef. 12c) 1 a: of slender width b: of less than standard width c of a textile: woven in widths less than 18 inches (46 centimeters)
2: limited in size or scope: restricted 3 a: illiberal in views or disposition: prejudiced b chiefly dial: stingy, niggardly
4. a: barely sufficient: close b: barely successful
5: minutely precise: meticulous
6. of a ration: relatively rich in protein as compared with carbohydrate and fat 7: tense 3 -- nar.row.ly adv -- nar.row.ness n
[2]narrow vt (bef. 12c) 1: to decrease the breadth or extent of: contract--often used with down
2: to decrease the scope or sphere of: limit--often used with down ~ vi: to lessen in width or extent: contract--often used with down [3]narrow n (13c): a narrow part or passage; specif: a strait connecting two bodies of water--usu. used in pl. but sing. or pl. in constr.