[nice] adj nic.er ; nic.est [ME, foolish, wanton, fr. OF, fr. L nescius ignorant, fr. nescire not to know--more at nescience] (14c) 1 obs a: wanton, dissolute b: coy, reticent
2. a: showing fastidious or finicky tastes: particular b: exacting in requirements or standards: punctilious
3: possessing, marked by, or demanding great or excessive precision and delicacy
4. obs: trivial
5. a: pleasing, agreeable "a ~ time" "a ~ person" b: well-executed "~ shot" c: appropriate, fitting
6. a: socially acceptable: well-bred b: virtuous, respectable 7: polite, kind "that's ~ of you to say" syn see correct -- nice adv -- nice.ly adv -- nice.ness n