[oc.cult] vt [L occultare, freq. of occulere] (1500): to shut off from view or exposure: cover, eclipse -- oc.cult.er n
[2]oc.cult adj [L occultus, fr. pp. of occulere to cover up, fr. ob- in the way + -culere (akin to celare to conceal)--more at ob-, hell] (1567) 1: not revealed: secret
2: not easily apprehended or understood: abstruse, mysterious
3: hidden from view: concealed
4: of or relating to the occult
5: not manifest or detectable by clinical methods alone "~ carcinoma"; also: not present in macroscopic amounts "~ blood in a stool" -- oc.cult.ly adv [3]occult n (1923): matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them--used with the